Building on the success of the 2017 exhibit “Race: Are We So Different?” hosted at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (NCMNS), the NC Race Project is a public science education initiative that provides a platform for creating and circulating key transmedia messages to guide efforts that foster accountability and address issues concerning race and racism across the state of North Carolina. In partnership with the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (NCMNS), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, and other key partners and collaborators, the Duke TRHT Center is facilitating and coordinating content and program development for this project that will include a permanent and updated version of the “RACE: Are We So Different?” exhibit. The project will feature stories and other information relevant to NC and its diverse communities, a traveling exhibit including a series of pop-up banners designed to reach a wider NC audience than the permanent exhibit, and the website. “RACE: Are We So Different?” leverages the arts as a powerful language for communicating and reflecting the human experience, which complements our interdisciplinary approach. North Carolina artists were commissioned to contribute artwork that responds to and reflects the main messages this public education project conveys.